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November 17, 2017 by

But before I talk about this monster, I’d like to share some of my experiences a bit more.

In that church we were told that we were saved just to enjoy and it doesn’t really matter what we do. There was a lot of lawlessness but on every church meeting day we were told and always reminded that “it doesn’t matter” and so we could do what we want to do. Well, we were serious with this doctrine of “FREEDOM” even as we were experiencing success on our endeavors through constant prayers on us from our pastor. 

Despite all the freedom, testimonies, compulsory seedings, etc that we were experiencing in that church there was this dissatisfaction within me. I really wanted intimacy and getting to know this God other than just succeeding in my business.

One Tuesday morning on my way to work I was invited by someone at the filling station to come for her church program to find the real meaning of church and understand the path of Christianity in truth. It was as if the person had known of my inner dissatisfaction. I was so happy so I promised him that I would definitely attend. 

The program was fixed for the weekend of that same week: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
I was so eager to know the truth. I knew within me that what my church offered is not all that there is to serving God.

At the program I heard something entirely different. It looked so much as the truth but it later threw me into utter confusion. We were told a lot of stories about hell fire and alot of things to do and not to do so we could avoid going there. As a lady I had to stop using a lot of things so that I would be holy. Other general things that didn’t  pertain to only females  were also itemized. 

At first I jumped at it all because I wanted relationship with God over benefits. I joined them and realized that it wasn’t just the program, that was what the church believed and it was expected for all members to adhere to them (rules of holiness) so that their worship would be acceptable. After about 3 years with them I suddenly stopped going to church because.... READ PART 3

Thank you for reading. 
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